Ministry to Seafarers
The Ministry to Seafarers in Vancouver is a chaplaincy ministry focused on support for and outreach to seafarers who pass through the Port of Vancouver, Canada. At present 1 full-time chaplain is employed throughout the year. Many years an intern is also hired to serve during the summer months. We partner with the Mission to Seafarers (Anglican Church) and Stella Maris (Roman Catholic Church), serving at the Waterfront Centre (downtown Vancouver) and at Roberts Bank (Tsawwassen). We also support ministry centres in other BC ports, especially Port Alberni. Ministry to Seafarers is a member of the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA).
For more see:
University of BC, Okanagan Chaplaincy
The mission of the UBCO chaplaincy is to be a voice of Christian witness, to participate in and influence the conversation of ideas in to the world of the academy. Todd Statham is our chaplain at the Kelowna campus.
To learn more about his work see:
BC Safe Church
BC Safe Church has a trifold mandate—to educate churches, support churches and provide assistance in the event of abuse allegations in churches. The goal is to help churches develop and implement procedures that reduce the risks of abuse. Faye Martin is our Safe Church Coordinator.
For more on making your church a safe place see:
1Life is an equipping and learning collective, enabling BC CRCs to become more vibrant, whole-hearted communities of Christian worship, discipleship, and mission. 1Life offers everything from single-serving webinars for church councils and ministry leaders to a three-year intensive leadership development program.
For more see:
Other BCSE Ministries:
If you want to contact one of these following, please email the stated clerk, Len Batterink:
Children & Youth Task Force: The task force encourages and supports local church’s children and youth ministries through networking with ministry leaders both volunteer and professionals.
Classical Ministry Leadership Team: The CMLT assists persons preparing to enter ordained Ministry of the Word in the CRC. The team provides advice, encouragement and oversight. The team works closely with the Student Fund Committee to provide financial support for seminary students.
Restorative Practices Task Force: The RPTF role is to provide information and education about the processes of restorative practices and to provide trained restorative practices facilitators to assist pastors, churches and ministries in restorative dialogues.